Fun Original Production cel from the early 80's Cartoon show, Pac-man the animated series. If you're unfamiliar with animation cels, they are hand painted frames of animation that were used to make an animated series of film. Each production cel or sketch represents part of the movement process and are hand painted or hand drawn by animators so no two are exactly alike. They're a lot like movie props. :) This is shot of several of the Baby-Pac Scouts pulling ropes (probably pitching a tent) from episode 8 (second half of episode 8 so it's sometimes listed at episode 16)of Pac-Man Season 1, Backpackin' Packy. Cel is a single layer labeled A2 and has some wear from the production process and subsequent storage, mostly limited to wear on the black lines. This is a fun cel and great piece of video game history. Perfect for any Pac-Man or Animation art collection.
Please note first image is cropped for detail, second image shows the full cel.
Please note that most of the items we sell are vintage collectibles often more than a decade old so please expect some wear and discoloration. We will always try to note when these things are present or if something has survived in mint shape, but we want to make sure you're doubly aware. We're always happy to take additional pictures as well so please ask by emailing us at if you want to see another angle or a specific aspect more clearly. Thanks so much for shopping at Avane! A shop run for collectors, by collectors.