Original Production anime cel sketch (douga) from the Studio Ghibli anime classic, my Neighbor Totoro. This is a douga of green rolling fields that are in the foreground of the shot where Mei, Satsuke, and their father are bike riding back from visiting their mother. Sketch has some wear, wrinkling, yellowing and paint residue from where it appears it was once slightly stuck to the bike and family layer. We're including a screenshot of the sequence this sketch appears in but this is just the sketch of the green field no cels or other sketches. Art from Totoro is generally VERY expensive so this is a great opportunity to own a small piece of this wonderful film at a great price.
First image is color corrected and cropped, second image is the whole sketch and closer to life colors.
Please note that most of the items we sell are vintage collectibles often more than a decade old so please expect some wear and discoloration. We will always try to note when these things are present or if something has survived in mint shape, but we want to make sure you're doubly aware. We're always happy to take additional pictures as well so please ask by emailing us at avane@avaneshop.com if you want to see another angle or a specific aspect more clearly. Thanks so much for shopping at Avane! A shop run for collectors, by collectors.